Friday, July 31, 2009

Caution: I Live in a Crime Scene

my smoking cloud is a mushroom gun
overheated bridges becoming other bridges

grimace was our brother, a bond stronger
than the moon (before the war)

he discovers himself on the blue-line
Philadelphia. Island avenue exit.

i want to blow you up
so just pretend it's sexual

With Love Philadelphia, XoXo

We all know
you involves shadow

where you
you round
you grab
crazy, you

we have lots of
benjamin franklins
oh wait, we still say
of the declaration
there's a copy
so to speak
to ride the carousel

the rest gran
a dirty of delish

Did I mention you look fabulous?

It's me
that includes a show

the sun comes up
every season. Anyway,

At the top
the world
your breath

Summer's lovely
I enclosed a picture
stuffing in a problem

Braille is Beautiful

the elegance of an empty root
stationary, your curtains slumber
happens that the slump ended on July 29th
but the internet calls things differently

run. the ninjas have found religion
their sourdough paradigm clashes
with the plaid of a country we started
that we named after your confederated beauty marks

Saturday, July 11, 2009