Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A List Because You're Looking For Someone Who

It's time for something
confessional, we
agreed, then took up
two bricks and threw
them as hard as we could.


Chapped lips
suckled beehive balm
to rub in deep
and pretend.

Only one zit

now (a
bazillion baby-
booming more to
come forward
this week, sure;
I said "here
comes the cavalry"
once today)

Indentations in
wrist now (no
watch or watch-
band), indentations
on waste from capri
pants (still on
but I know the
marks linger with
the more
permanent scars)

Small chunks of
almond and essence
of chocolaty
residue swirl
around with tongue's
charge, it hooks
on the teeth like
a ceiling fan,
memory of
trail mix lasting
longer, hungrier


Glass of water
with mineral scent,
two letters sit
remain unread,
dirty wallet
falling apart,

headphones encrusted
with guilty uses
known only to me
and this plastic
table where I sit
(and this computer
has seen too much
as well, so kind),

a set of keys
too many to know,
to replace accurately,
an empty glass,
clear and dust,
an empty mug,
black and hidden,
my nostrils
needing Kleenex,
loot abound like
a dense jungle slash,

my glasses fogged,
fingers torn up,
in-grown hairs
on both my arms,
gut extensive
(the poetic
object at last),
two teats filled
with milk of soy,
years of drinking
all substances
a splatter of coins
trying to sit still

Objects everywhere
yet nothing of value.

Look at this smile
though, look at this
laugh as I, deranged,
stare into your eyes
one fleeting moment,
convince you to turn
away the very next.

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