Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Tribe Spoke, Said No

After Survivor: Gabon (CBS)

Dear Michelle,
I thought of you for three days
Dear Gillian,
Don't ever lose "that"
Dear Paloma,
Good luck with the tips, and the weeds
Dear Jacky,
You were always smiling, helpfully
Dear Golden Child,
Your life of leaderless suffering is over
Dear Kelly,
You were always worth the dirt
Dear Ace,
Limber Ace, keep flying, stretching
Dear Dan,
You can't find yourself in a poor Eden
Dear Marcus,
I am afraid of you. Let's get gay-married
Dear Charlie,
You were Randy's first gay friend
Dear Randy,
You will be happy in dog heaven
Dear Corrine,
Smoke without filters and the mirrors will be choking
Dear Crystal,
You got way far
Dear Ken,
You snake. I wish you the best, you snake.

1 comment:

Gregory Bem said...

Particularly on Kenny's part. He really turned into an asshole. But Corrinne's will to power was my favorite. With her everything came down to education.