Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Basically All I Said Was

Patrick said the only way
is to obliterate everything.
He's in ninth grade
and he can see beneath.
"Cuckoo for cocoa puffs is my favorite"
said the nondescript girl.
In one of my stories I spray paint a bulls-eye
and jump down fifty stories to it.
I hadn't been high in months.
Debrah said her printer died
and I mentioned it was weird,
how people still say that.
In one of my stories
we all move away.
We track deer shit for miles
before going home and stripping down.
One thing I didn't mention
was tidal influence.
Arcane effects for these hearts.
It could be a problem.
When she or he said "matching witches"
I instantly thought about Salem.
They'll never prosecute your ass, Alex.
Will I ever see your witch's brew brain again?
Fredisha smiled at me before turning back.
When I was in high school it was "Fool on the Hill"
and now I am in high school and there it is again.
The minute it's about authority it's bogus shit.
Jahzeel's anger management
is something from a video game cover.
It's something you can hold
in your hands and stay pissed about.
Bubz: scars on cheek and eye.
"I see you got a problem."
Somewhere south of here you
will finally find what it is.
Seizure moments; chorus as echo.
In a failed idea four voices for one voice.
It's hard to experiment
without sticking matchsticks on down.
Far below Carl Rove drove home.
Even in hell he hollered quotations.
His eyes were way too deep.
The audacity too fucking hysterical.
There are so many labias
and each labia glistens
and someone's thinking
let me swirl a few fingers.
Two can roll as many dice as eight.
Two dice from two palms.
There's been a lot of dirt lately.
No one's saying a thing.
Lines, lines, lines.
Not on my face yet, asshole.
Anti-time lines, multiple-life time lines.
I'll keep knocking on doors when you're dead.
As a collective we dreamed of
As an individual I could only think of
tearing it down right away.
Random output: Duncannon and Mascher.
Glancing down a hallway I think
shit, the young bulls are grazing.
I think boy, you outta pocket.
We can make it.
This is all I think
and all I see are Kat's lips talking
two inches from mine. Hot tub.
It was an old disease
and it kept on striking.
Everywhere: even where
Mr. Buck took her to fuck.
"It assesses nothing."
"The schools appear improving."
"Juke the stats." "Wherever you go,
there you are." Too many calories.
Supercock. The two words
blend and break into each other
like a couple crackly stones
fucking inside an asteroid.
First there was the mist.
Then there was the dome.
But always the same old dust.
Actually, first was lower back.
It can be a blurring process.
It can always be blurred.
I was going to reference that face
but I forgot the name.
Frame construction: up on 12th
I pass Callowhill and remember
Lucretia's worst face.
How I could fail her. How could I?
There's probably no answer on the west coast
like there's no answer here or home or in Asia
or in Austin or Montreal or in death.
Even the books have stopped staring back.