Sunday, April 19, 2009

Statement of/on Purpose/Poetics

0. each poem should be a brick in the blown out building that was an autobiography
0. like Williams, O'Hara: "Get in and get out!" No dwelling...Bourgeois! -- rather more like an insect that lands briefly, tasting with feet and seeing with geodesic eyes
0. reject the orthodoxy of movements and patriarchs
0. reject gimmick writing (flarf, some langpo) that clouds the self/beingness of language -- these are frauds. Handwriting, vocabulary, syntax are fingerprints that ring like screaming appartitions into the night on fire like hearts (some are true)
0. never loose sight of music/lyrics. guitar poets count too.
0. repress nothing and don't censor or write simply to shock. shocks fade quickly. "Deliver the news that stays news;" the pain that stays painful; the smiles of teeth that never go loose.
0. form is the slave on content. Operate in a marginless field while acknowlegding the gravity of right alignment when neccessary.
0. channel the voice of the sentient oversoul: an omnisicent observer rediscovering everything (Genius is childhood regained -K.R.)
0. content comes quickly and must be charged with meaning. two pages is sometimes O.K.
0. embrace accidents (t9WORD generation; phonem clusters that get gay-married.) Letters as tatoos on the canvas of human endevour.


Gregory Bem said...

This is important, though cute the o.(s) are, gimmick?!

Will post similarity soon.

Jeff Brennan said...

It was an homage to the anti-poets who I haven't read. In publication I would probably replace them with dashes or a fitting WingDing.