Monday, April 27, 2009

Why I Don't Get a Chance to Learn Anything

The Battle Continues

Part I: My Email to Donovan, Cory, and Todd

No ants, yet, guys, but they will be coming soon.

Here's a list of things I "noticed" in the kitchen this morning. I haven't used the kitchen for anything except pouring glasses of juice that I bring upstairs, so I've been displaced from the kitchen life that's been going on for a while.


- Dirty underwear on the kitchen floor. Okay, maybe it's clean. I didn't check or anything, but it's there, next to the counter, on the floor.
- That mess that someone emailed about yesterday or whatever is still there. As Donovan referred to it: salt explosions. There's also honey on the counter, sticky spots all over the island counter.
- There was also a full glass of water or other liquid. A honeyed knife, which has now been placed in the glass by me and which is now in the sink.
- The two honey containers were held together with a bunch of honey that was all over the place. They are now in the trash. I think we should take a break from the honey for a while, see if we can't pull ourselves together.
- There's still some honey on the counter. Just follow the trail of paper towels . . .
- Some spaghetti sauce that was opened was sitting on the counter. Don't know how long. In the trash now (stuff like that has to be refrigerated after opening).
- In the toaster oven someone's "meal" or "snack" was sitting. I'm glad we didn't get ants yet, but that kind of thing will lead to them. Please make sure you eat what you're cooking or at least throw it out or put it in the fridge. The food in question has since been fridged.

Anyway, this is me writing a lot while under the influence of caffeine. I find it more comical than anything else, though I can't speak for everyone's moods on the matter. The most serious point I'd like to throw out there is: we shouldn't get in the habit of making the weekly or biweekly downstairs cleaner be responsible for everyone's week or two weeks of dirtying up the place. People should still take care of their messes, clean when they see what can be cleaned, et cetera.




Part II: Donovan's Reply

Greg, thanks for sending this out and articulating the nature of the mysteries. I'm really sad that honey-system went downhill so quickly (though, admittedly, I don't really use it); it was the kind we (kara and I) had been looking for for quite some time that she had in Argentina. But instead, it was decorating the handle of the toaster oven? and the counter.

One other little detail - the butter: I'm not sure what was up, but a week or so ago it looked like someone had attempted to grasp the whole stick of butter and ..just rub that on toast instead of needing to wash a knife and there were bread crumbs all over the butter as a result. It may be worth washing the knife.
