Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Trapped with Sandor

Olney High School is a Stern Soldier

"Bus Wait"

After the Transylvanian, Sandor Kanyadi

the tomb swept on was ridden once
by two riders sucking brand new thumbs
colored in grief and denunciation
while waiting my turn gathered steamy pause

those pockmarks are your bane your banner
and bent while watched by the not so gentle
whose sparks flicker the stolen corners
away from their shadows, yes, to thievery


"Your Last Best Friend Recently Diseased"

it could be that all
this is imprisonment
while it aligns to form
its message
that it's coming home
from the battlefields
(the plains being sexed up
by torn shrubs
and powdered footprints)
to greet you
with a bear-hug

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