Monday, January 19, 2009

Another First Snow Remains Remarkable

And now snow has arrived
like a large man running
down the street and slipping,
an image we cannot forget,
for this is the first time
that snow really falls,
silent and beautiful and
we are warm, inside this home,
with the first real snow
coming down like in the movies,
or up north, in the cold,
the country freezing over,
or in a melting backwash,
one or the other, no blaze
of sun, this is winter,
not a heatwave of summer,
but the time to sit inside
staring through the window
and watching all of it come down,
in sheer force, come on down,
cover the ground, slip
somebody up--that large man,
or nobody at all, it doesn't
matter, let's just watch you.

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