Thursday, January 1, 2009

Let's Look Back Like It's 2008

You were on the R1/R8 train - m4w - 22 (Between 30th St and Fern Rock)
Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-12-28, 12:53AM EST

You got on at the 30th street station around 11:30pm wearing pink/reddish hair, real short like, and a bunch of thrift-store-esque clothing, including Converse sneakers or something similar. After you were done playing around with your camera, I took the time to notice that you had some strange tattoo on your ankle that looked like either a mushroom or cartoony slice of bread. I, with not-quite-shaved head and heavy tan coat, sat across from you reading D. H. Lawrence with a pissed off look on my face, occasionally texting a coworker (though I hardly doubt THAT makes a difference!). Occasionally our eyes met and we probably kept sneaking glances just to remind ourselves how stupid these games can be, and because looking at passengers of the opposite sex on a late-night train ride effectively passes the time. We didn't talk and that's probably for the best, though you looked like the type that might have a lot to say.

Oh, and I got off at Fern Rock station, while you continued on toward the oblivion of New Jersey.

Please don't respond to this if you have read it--I'd hate to think we have more than nothing in common.

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